Halloween Post

I found this on Amazon.

This year, I decided to be Harry Potter for Halloween. I have read all the Harry Potter books and I have loved them all. Also, I have watched a few of the movies. Why did I choose to be Harry Potter for Halloween? It sounded fun and I am a fan of the Harry Potter series. Why not? I got Harry Potter glasses to come with the costume.

Halloween happens every October the 31st. This year it was on Monday, October 31st.The tradition started with the ancient Celtic festival called Samhain, where people would wear costumes to ward off ghosts and light bonfires. In the eighth Century, Pope Gregory III made November 1 a time to honor all saints. Soon, All Saints Day took in some Samhain traditions.The night before All Saints Day was called All Hallows Eve which later became what we today call Halloween. Eventually, Halloween became the activities we know and do today like, carving jack-o-lanterns, trick-or-treating, dressing up in costumes, etc.

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Every year, my family goes trick-or-treating. We normally stay out a long time a get a lot of treats. Halloween is by far, my favorite holiday. My favorite treat is either 100 Grand, Twix or Reese’s peanut butter cups.

If you wish to donate your candy, you can! Just Tryan It: Extra candy to UNC Cancer Hospital     For kids who can’t Trick-or-Treat this year.

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